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January 27, 2024

Welcome everyone to your new home for Fat Acceptance.

Fierce, Free-thinking Fatties is a collective of fat bloggers from various backgrounds who cover various topics. The only common thread we share is an interest in promoting fat rights, body autonomy and Health at Every Size.

We will soon be offering a new fatosphere feed that will offer you the option of adding only posts of interest to your reader, so bloggers are free to talk about dieting/WLS/health issues, while readers are able to avoid any topics they are uncomfortable with.

The mission of Triple F is to provide a home for all the wayward bloggers who are interested in covering the fat issues from every angle. Sometimes that coverage may make you uncomfortable. Sometimes it may make you angry. But we strive to provoke conversation, not controversy.

If you disagree strongly, then state your disagreement strongly. We’re all grown-ups and we can engage in respectful, fierce debates without fishing for insults or intellectually dishonest arguments. State your case, present the facts, dismantle the opposition, but do so in a way that furthers the dialogue.

The fact that we are drawn together by a single topic means that we are going to disagree… a lot. But there is no reason why we cannot disagree like adults. We trust that you can create your own safe space, so long as we provide you the tools to do so. Triple F will give you those tools and, hopefully, you’ll ultimately derive a greater knowledge and understanding of the issues because of it.

Many thanks to mamaV and the ladies of We Are the Real Deal for helping us in this endeavor. And many thanks to the many bloggers who are contributing to this project, adding their blogs to the feed, and supporting our efforts to broaden the discourse on what it means to be fat in this fat-hating world of ours.


10 Comments leave one →
  1. Karen permalink
    January 31, 2024 3:54 am

    Like the title, but do not like this version of header. What part of respectful, fierce debate contains the f— you gesture? Also, using a celebrity up front and center is misleading - unless Carrie Fisher is going to blog here.

    • fiercefatties permalink*
      February 2, 2024 3:51 pm

      Hi there, Karen. You’re the very first poster for the new site. Congratulations!

      The reason I chose Carrie Fisher is because, to me, she encapsulates “free-thinking” to me. For more about why, I posted about her attitude in this Woman of the Week post a while back.

      Some in the media were commenting on how fat Carrie Fisher has gotten and she responded with an instant classic of a post about why she is fat and how she’s not going to choose thinness over her physical or mental health. Read it here, it’s a great post.

      Anyway, we will have a respectful dialogue, and occassionally we will grin and flip each other off. But I don’t think the image espouses hate or close-mindedness (although that is, obviously, open to personal interpretation), so much as it says, “We’re going to be who we are and say what we think, and if you can’t handle it, well then screw you.”

      One thing I got tired of on the Fatosphere was having to walk on eggshells for the benefit of a few highly sensitive people. And although I understand that some sensitivity is required in the creation of any community, the level of hand-holding and back-patting that took place over there was not my cup of tea.

      I prefer a community where people have thick skin and can take it, as well as dish it out. It’s the community I’ve seen succeed over at We Are the Real Deal and I hope to replicate their openness here.

      As far as it being misleading, I agree. This header is only meant as a temporary one until we can find something more appropriate. I will email Ms. Fisher and ask her if she would like to be our patron saint in order to avoid misrepresentation.

      Thank you for your comments and thank you for supporting this new project.


  2. dufmanno permalink
    February 3, 2024 10:58 pm

    I can flip people off while also overflowing with love. I REALLY like it and would like , if at all possible, to keep Carrie Fisher where she is. Nice work Shannon.

    • fiercefatties permalink*
      February 3, 2024 11:01 pm

      Thanks dufmanno. I shot Carrie Fisher a tweet, but haven’t heard back for some reason. :) I’m still debating whether to keep it, but I may just post a disclaimer that she has nothing to do with this site. Anyway, I like it for now, though I’d love something a little more “professional” looking in the future.


  3. tombrokaw permalink
    February 6, 2024 3:50 am

    I saw someone call you a troll recently.

    We should exchange tips and stuff.

    • fiercefatties permalink*
      February 7, 2024 3:10 am

      Yeah, but I’m one of those Trolls of Convenience. People refer to me a troll when they no longer have the patience or ability to answer my questions or refute my arguments. You’re basically a contrarian. We’re completely different breeds of troll.


      • tombrokaw permalink
        February 7, 2024 7:29 am

        True. They sure seemed eager to misinterpret and scapegoat you.

        Oh well. The internet. It’s a testy place.

        • fiercefatties permalink*
          February 8, 2024 3:20 pm

          Some people hate nuance. They want black and white. Anyone who suggests relativity or multiple interpretations is considered a threat. Just look at how desperately they cling to a single interpretation of the word “diet.” There’s no reason for it except to defend their strict interpretation of the data.


  4. noceleryplease permalink
    February 8, 2024 7:43 pm

    Looking nice so far!!!

    • fiercefatties permalink*
      February 8, 2024 7:44 pm

      Thanks. :)


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