We Are Experiencing Technical Difficulties
March 17, 2024
Somehow today’s post slipped through the cracks. I didn’t notice that nobody was assigned to write today. I apologize for the lack of content.
Instead, we’ll try our hand at an open thread. Everything’s open for discussion.
Suggestions, comments, complaints?
Let ‘er rip.
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I’m a moron.
Y’ar not. Loud, opinionated, knight-in-shining-armory, but not a moron.
Aw, thanks Jen. And you’re a sweetheart!
Thank you Shannon for coming over to WATRD to talk some sense into the commenters. Sometimes that site is so painful to read . . .
Oh, no problem. I enjoy it. They’re a lot easier to debate than some of the other sites where I’ve engaged people. I think they’re doing it right, there, though. They have a nice mix of people with various opinions on various topics, and not everyone is going to come to the table with accurate or current information. It’s in that sort of environment that education thrives, I believe. So maybe the few ardent deniers won’t join our cause, but you never know what the lurkers are thinking, ya know?
And thank you for being a part of our site as well.
Our power was just restored so I had no idea until I opened my computer just now.
Living like cave creatures with no electricity has taught me many useless lessons like how to cook meat with a Bic lighter and how to mask odors coming off of dirty school uniforms but it also helped me understand how much I love my computer.
Please god, never let that happen again. Thank you.
Ah-HA! So it was your fault… somehow.
Hey, after the apocalypse in 2012, you’re gonna be glad you learned how to cook meat with a Bic, although I’m not sure how the masking odors thing is going to help. I imagine that after the apocalypse, we’re all just going to have to embrace our odors. I’m getting a headstart on mine.