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Gavin and Stacy, Season 2 on BBC America!

May 17, 2024

As someone who is a really-fattie, definitely not an in-betweenie, it is rare to see myself in the media unless it’s a picture of a headless-fattie. Usually I have to be happy with the rare instance of an actress that’s Hollywood fat.

Since Gilmore Girls ended, I have been sorely missing any sight of myself on TV. But there is a new bright spot in my life! The new season of Gavin and Stacy just started on BBC America.

The show is written by two really-fatties, the amazing Ruth Jones and James Corden, who play best friends of the main characters.

Now, Gavin and Stacy isn’t about being fat. It’s a Rom-Com about the culture clash of two people from different parts of the UK trying to date.

If your interested in a show about “being fat,” then I would recommend another show from the UK, that features Ruth Jones and James Corden, called Fat Friends. It’s a comedy about a group of friend from a commercial weight loss group. Sadly, only Season One of Fat Friends is available on Netflix.

really-fattie - someone that is visibly fat. Probably in the obese category of BMI.
in-betweenie - someone that is classified fat by the BMI but some say “don’t look fat.”
headless-fattie - a picture of the body of a fat person as seen on the news or in the media.
hollywood fat - someone that is of average size but looks fat compared to the stick figures on TV.

3 Comments leave one →
  1. atchka permalink*
    May 17, 2024 10:27 am

    Great finds! How is it that the BBC always seems ahead of the curve on these things.


    • elizebethturnquist permalink
      May 17, 2024 7:00 pm

      All I know is that shows like these make me an undoubted Anglophile. That and Dr. Who, cause I’m a geek like that.

  2. JeninCanada permalink
    May 17, 2024 6:21 pm

    lol Ahead of the … curve? ;)

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