Guerrilla activism.
I’m not good with the taking down bullies kind of activism. But I’ve been drafting up this list of different ways that someone can be a fat activist… and, for myself, I really like the idea of indirect guerrilla warfare.
Like over at pluseyes tumblr there was a post about stickering. “…print a whole ton of stickers to easily peel off and slam onto an offending billboard/poster/etc…”
Or NAAFA LA is doing a “Bookmark Project: Print and put size-positive bookmarks in diet and/or self-help books, fashion or fit magazines and anywhere else!” (When I contacted the LA branch of NAAFA, they awesomely gave me a copy of the PDF for their Bookmark Project so that I can share it with any of you that want to participate in their project.)
Or Operation Beautiful: “The goal of the Operation Beautiful website is to end negative self-talk or ‘Fat Talk’”… by positing body positive notes in public. An example would be a post-it that says “Your beautiful at any size” posted in a bathroom or changing room or any other place a stranger might stumble across it.
With the advent of social media, letter writing campaigns seem kinda out of date. But I still think pamphlets that we can pass out to friends/family or mail to doctors and legislators would be useful. One of my many side projects is trying to write such pamphlets… but it’s a work in progress.
I am of the opinion that there are MANY ways to be an activist and small impacts have a cumulative affect. We’re chipping away at a China-sized wall. Every voice makes us louder and every project makes us stronger.
I love these ideas! Take a pocket full of bookmarks to Borders and BOOM! instant activism. LOVE IT!
atchka -
We have some pretty awesome people out there trying to change this little world of ours, with some pretty great ideas.
What fantastic ideas! I love these sneaky forms of activism.
As a member of NAAFA-LA, I have been thrilled to do some of the above. We actually have an upcoming bookmarking event in Orange County in a couple of weeks. And we’ve definitely been known to slap size- and body-positive Post-Its on public mirrors and bathroom walls. We also have pens that say something body positive (my cold-addled brain can’t remember the slogan right now), and we leave them at docs’, vets’, and other offices and public places. (I left my last one at Kaiser Permanente, my severely anti-fat medical facility.) Also, we have what we call Nice Cards — cards with body-positive sayings — that we keep on hand to pass out to random (or not) peeps.
I LOVE the sticker idea and am going to print some up. As for the flyer idea, good stuff! NAAFA used to have a fat patient bill of rights to hand or mail to docs; they still might.
I can make the interpersonal flyer you mentioned above. Any specific info you want reflected in it? Certain tones? Your wish = my command.
Lesleigh -
A while back atchka said something that stuck in my head about how most doctors probably don’t even know about HAES. I think he’s right. And, much as I try not to promote only one FA philosophy, I think HAES is something doctors could hear and understand…which is always a struggle with activism. Trying to find a way to get our audience to actually listen without alienating them.
So that’s the pamphlet idea I keep ruminating on.
Ya know, I have a bunch of business cards I’ve never gotten around to printing and using (got them back when I was going to start my doll business). Those would be great to use for Nice Cards - think I might just print some up and put them in books (not as big as a bookmark, but would work as one). Thanks for the idea.
vesta44 -
I love that you ran with this and made it your own! You’re very welcome for the idea and I think your little subversive plan is also awesome.
I love those ideas.
“I really like the idea of indirect guerrilla warfare.”-me too.
Hidi -
I can handle confronting people when it’s about interpersonal conflict…but the whole trying to convince strangers of something, I don’t know how to do that without getting emotional and frazzled. But companies and advertisers do the whole subversively trying to convince us of things, without ever actually talking to us, ALL THE TIME. I just think, “Why shouldn’t us activists use this very effective tool as well?”
“…I don’t know how to do that without getting emotional and frazzled. “-I can relate. Sometimes I just want to slap the person and say, “Wake the hell “UP!” (lol..yeah I know not a good idea but it is tempting)
“But companies and advertisers do the whole subversively trying to convince us of things, without ever actually talking to us, ALL THE TIME. “-So true
Another thing I did, just the other day, was finally put my fat mudflap girl stickers on the sliding doors’ windows of my minivan. I’ve had them for a year now, but was waiting until I had a vehicle I was going to hang onto for a while before I used them. I also have a bumper sticker-sized magnet I made that says “STOP Hating Fat” (the STOP is a stop sign). I’ve debated on whether I want to put that on the back of the van - I’m afraid someone might steal it and throw it away (and I need to get some of that sealant spray to keep the ink from running when it gets rained on before I put it on the van anyway).
This post reminds me of the Dressing Room Project, “a girl-powered rebellion to free girls & women from the bonds of media-imposed standards of beauty”. They post cards on mirrors in dressing rooms to help girls and women feel more comfortable in their bodies, my favourite being “Worry about the size of your heart, not the size of your body”.
HeatherJ -
I’m always gathering info on FA resources and I don’t think I’ve stumbled across the “Dressing Room Project” until you mentioned it. Thanks for the info!
I love operation beautiful and regularly put their stickers in public restrooms and the like. But I’d love FA/SA ones now! Any suggestions on what they should say?
notblueatall -
I’m actually working on a possible list of ideas. But, as always, too many projects and not enough time.
I reckon some really gorgeous fatty lover stickers would be a fantastic thing. Not just the “body image” thing, but some FAT stickers. A kind of sticker campaign version of Substantia Jones Adipositivity project.
You know what would be great? The happy fat fairy that Marianne Kirby posted, or something similar. “Clap if you believe in fatties”.
Man, I love that fat fairy!
I always think of the cowardly lion’s voice saying “I do believe in fatties, I do, I do, I do!”