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“Largesse” a stageplay

August 19, 2024

A while back I talked about trying my hand at playwriting and that I’d written a play with a main character that was a Fat Acceptance activist. The title of the play was “Largesse” and even after I’d given up on my local playwriting community, I kept trying to find someone interested in producing the play.

I submitted the script for consideration to the Sundance Theatre Lab and a variety of other production companies, workshops, and theatre artists I thought might be interested. I even tried to start my own playwriting workshop on Second Life… because I’m always looking for creative ways to get my work “out there.”

One of my many ideas was to create a podcast of the play. I found this website for amateur voice actors and ended up producing a cold reading of the play. I won’t say that this is the best example of my writing. It was only the second playscript I’d written and it was early in my Fat Acceptance journey.

I suppose I wanted to share because fiction writing is my true passion. You can listen to the cold reading of Largesse through the player at the top of this post, or download the MP3 of Largesse here.

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  1. atchka permalink*
    August 19, 2024 12:19 pm

    Very cool, shorter than I was expecting, but I enjoyed it.

    Fiction writing is my passion too, but I get more mileage out of my non-fiction. :)

    Thanks for sharing, Elizebeth.


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