Two poems, “Fat Girl” and “Fearless”
September 15, 2024
Fat Girl
You hate me
You may not even know it
but I’m not mad at you
I’m just sad.
If you’ve ever thought,
‘At least I’m not fat like her.’
‘She needs to loose some weight.’
‘Look at how fat she got.’
If you’ve ever said,
‘You should loose some weight,
so you can be healthy,
so you can be pretty…’
Then you probably don’t know
that I can be beautiful and fat
that I can be healthy and fat
that this isn’t about you
You may think its just fat
but my fat is a part of me
a part of my identity
hate it and you hate me
Maybe you didn’t know
that you have me
but I’m not mad at you
I’m just sad.
Elizebeth Turnquist
I love that poem “Fearless”. It’s lovely.
“Then you probably don’t know…that this isn’t about you.”
Also, off-topic, but if I may ask: what brand did you use to get that vivid pink in your hair. It is fan-f*cking-tastic, and i want it!!
Simone Lovelace -
It’s manic panic but you have to bleach the hair first to get that vibrant pink.
Seriously? I have used manic panic in the past, but my results were never that good. Guess I have to keep experimenting!
I know this isn’t your area of interest, but just know that if you were ever to start an alt style blog, I would follow it religiously. ^_^