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“Healthy” Eating

November 8, 2024

Trigger Warning — Discussing food tracking sites and non-specific daily calorie intake.

I’ve always known I consume way too much powdered non-dairy creamer.

WAY too much.

But there’s an intellectual difference between knowing every time I make a cup of tea that “Gee, I really use a lot of this stuff” and actually measuring the intake itself.

Last week I decided to see just exactly how much of this stuff I was consuming.

Turns out that I put somewhere between 8 and 10 teaspoons of the stuff in my tea, depending on whether the serving size “teaspoon” is rounded or flat or whatever.

I was getting somewhere between 400 and 500 calories each day in the form of powdered high fructose corn syrup solids.

I don’t think that’s going to make anyone’s list of “good for you” behaviors by a long stretch.

So, I quit it on Thursday.

No more white powder for me. (And yes, I call it white powder because I have long considered it to be as addictive to me as I imagine cocaine is to users of that).

Now, many helpful people said things like “Oh, you should use soy milk” or “half and half is what I use.”

Yes, well, those are helpful suggestions, but when it comes right down to it, I just don’t like those things.

Honestly, it’s the high fructose corn syrup solids that I love (can you tell from the amount I was using?) and the tea itself was really more of an excuse.

So that’s it. Cold turkey. No more powdered non-dairy creamer for me.

This left me with something of an intake issue.

Obviously, I can’t just cut out that large a number of calories every day. If I were getting just a small number from the creamer, I could probably cut it with no effects… but dropping out 400 to 500 calories a day? That’s going to have an impact and I am not interested in losing weight. My calorie counting is done so that I stay the same.

So, I picked up some healthy snacks… raisins, peanut butter crackers, granola bars.

Well, I thought they were healthy… seemed like it… fruity, high protein, etc.

At the same time, I also signed up for one of those food tracking sites, so I could make sure that I was getting enough to eat each day, now that I was dropping out the creamer.

The calorie tracking is one thin (it’s nothing I couldn’t do on my own, I suppose), but I thought it would be better to have something for a while that will show me visually if I am not eating enough.

What I have found fascinating since I started using it is the nutritional breakdown of everything I eat.

Everything has a “grade,” based, I suppose, on recommended daily allowance of vitamins, etc.

So some things that I thought, “Hey, of course that’s healthy” (I’m looking at you, string cheese) got really low grades. And some things, like my beloved instant oatmeal, which I kind of assumed would be rendered less nutritional by all the processing, got high marks.

I have NEVER paid attention to things like “Oh, how much vitamin A am I eating?”, but now, it’s right there in a handy little graph for me every day! And all the stuff gets rolled into a daily score.

MY GOODNESS! I actually thought I was pretty good about sodium. I know it’s supposed to contribute to heart disease, and I don’t actually like salt, so I thought I was pretty good on that front.

But after tracking and seeing exactly how many milligrams I am really getting in my food. Wow!

Now, I am not sure if this nutritional info is going to make me change anything. After all, I am all about the convenience foods, so I have a limited amount of changing I could do.

Still, being a “numbers” kind of girl, I am finding all this information to be quite fascinating for now.

I can see, though, how those sites could be incredibly dangerous. I signed up and then deleted accounts on three different sites before I found one that didn’t seem to want to run my entire life, not just allow me to track what I am eating. Some of them were sooooo pushy with the advice and the newsletters, etc. etc. It just struck me as so enabling of people who might have a tendency toward disordered eating.

4 Comments leave one →
  1. atchka permalink*
    November 8, 2024 11:26 am

    I keep mentioning this book, but I need to do some serious opposition research before I agree 100%, but “Good Calories, Bad Calories” by Gary Taubes discusses the link between sodium and heart disease and he doesn’t think it’s supported by the evidence. He proposes the carbohydrate theory of disease, which says that metabolic disorder is caused by refined and simple carbohydrates.

    I don’t know yet. It’s pretty compelling, but I need to read more.

    Anyway, what is the link to your nutrition tool?


    • Statistical Freak permalink
      November 8, 2024 11:48 am

      The tool is’s calorie tracker

      I first tried “Livestrong” but they were REALLY pushy with trying to get me to “upgrade to gold” - which frankly, I was just not interested in. Then I signed up for Spark People, but after a little while there, I realized that the site really wanted to take over my life… even to tracking all my water and fruits vegetables… wanting me to track my “personal goals”, etc. Dude - I just wanted to track how many calories I was getting.

      Then I went to another site, which I cannot remember, but they were really “LOSE WEIGHT LOSE WEIGHT” with the newsletter sign up and the tips and everything, and I didn’t like them.

      But this last one… much less pushy. Easy to track foods and exercise. Nothing much else required (although the forum, which I plan to never go to again, is a little disturbing).

      Still, adequate for my purposes and not all in my face about stuff.

      • Heather permalink
        November 8, 2024 12:56 pm

        I figured it was calorie counter. I used it for a while when I was trying to lose weight. My grade was always a high grade, an A, A+, or a B+, but I never lost a pound. So I quit using it. I may go back to it, just to make sure that I get the vitamins I need, and to track things like sodium, potassium, and calcium. And, yeah, it’s not an overly pushy site. I really liked it when I used it.

  2. dufmanno permalink
    November 9, 2024 10:24 am

    I shudder to think what my morning coffee contains.
    Now is the time that I admit to you that I take five (yes, I did just say five) heaping teaspoons of sugar in one cup along with half& half.
    Then I tell you I drink three cups of coffee every single morning.
    Now is the part where we all gasp.

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