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We need your feedback for FFF 2.0!

January 7, 2024

All the wonderful contributions to our Beg-A-Thon has allowed us to start working on Fierce, Freethinking Fatties 2.0. We’re building a new website and we’re interested in hearing what you would like to see in that new website.

What do you want FFFs 2.0 to look like?
What kind of topics do you want to talk about in our new forum?
Do you have any other suggestions for the new website?

Also, if you have talents as a graphic artist and would like to contribute your services, we’d love to hear from you. We also need someone who can do artistic hand-writing to reimagine our theme badges.

Thanks, again, for being a part of the Fierce, Freethinking Fatties community. We’re hoping 2011 will be even better than 2010!

3 Comments leave one →
  1. Ashley Pariseau permalink
    January 7, 2024 2:14 pm

    I think it would be awesome to have a message board where members could sign up and post and get to know each other and talk about FFF related issues.

    • ElizebethTurnquist permalink
      January 7, 2024 2:51 pm

      Ashley Pariseau -

      That is totally part of the plan! The new website will have a forum (message board) where people can chat. We’re currently trying to sort out the different things people will want to talk about, like fatshion or fat science, so that we can set up the forum topics. We’d love to hear your input, if you have any topic ideas.

  2. Mulberry permalink
    January 7, 2024 3:34 pm

    What is needed is some sort of search function. If there is one for this site, I can’t find it. Also, what about archiving by topic in addition to doing so by month? There’s a lot of good information here, as well as thought-provoking topics and comments through which one might want to sift. The What Say You area should have the capability of showing comment references from some user-specified date; as it is now, hot topics can crowd out others.

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