Fat Panic —
I cannot begin to tell you how excited I am to present to you the pilot episode of “Fat Panic” featuring myself and Michelle (aka The Fat Nutritionist), as well as theme song and title artistry by BeBe Ballroom.
Not long after I posted my interview with Michelle for “On Hold with Atchka!” she asked me if I’d be interested in hosting a podcast together. I’ve wanted to do a collaborative project with others (including Michelle) for a long time, but I prefer to avoid putting people on the spot, so I hadn’t said anything.
When she asked, though, it was like being asked to prom by the coolest chick in school. So, I latched onto her offer like a lamprey and asked her about doing a video instead.
A few weeks later, we connected on Skype with my shitty connection and recorded this choppy, froze-up, troubled copy of our first episode, which will have three parts (maybe more) to be released in the coming weeks.
Mad props to BeBe who has composed her first original song, which I’ve been singing since I heard it yesterday morning.
Michelle and I both enjoyed the first conversation and already have plans for a second. Hopefully we can iron out the kinks beforehand.
We have both made promises to do our part to improve the video. For the next video, Michelle has promised to she will 1) comb her hair, 2) have decent lighting, and 3) not drink red wine that stains her teeth and makes her look like a hobo when she talks. And for the next video, I promise to 1) shower, 2) get a haircut, and 3) wear pants.
Until then, enjoy the premier of “Fat Panic.”
Sweet! This is awesome. Can’t wait for more!
Thanks Ashley. We’ll have another one next week.
Yay! I also promise not to make offensive inadvertent suicide-bombing jokes. WHOOPS. Sorry guys.
Oh please, I edited out the part where you called for a jihad on Gold’s Gym. You’re a fatty terrorist!
That song is HILARIOUS! I love it! (The graphics, too.)
I like the portion of your chat I’ve seen thus far, and will watch the rest, but just hadto comment on that SONG. AWESOME.
I know, the song is awesome. And she’s recording a different version for each episode. BeBe is extremely talented and I’m thrilled that she agreed to write it.
Alakazam! Your wish is granted.
Good going! I too demand more, whether or not there are pants involved.
Sweet, no pants from here on out!
Thanks, Cie.
Thanks Ivan.
The song rocks!
It gets stuck in your head too. I’ve been singing it for the past day on a loop.
I love Henry Rollins
Well, in fairness, I think this is all part of his schtick. So, it doesn’t really come as any surprise. If you like his music, then like his music. Many, many, many musicians I respect and admire seem like total assholes in real life. That’s just the sad reality.
I had lunch with Michelle a few weeks ago and she warned be about the Henry Rollins bit, he he. Very funny video! I love him, I guess everybody has to be dickish about something.
I actually really love Henry Rollins too. I have an obnoxious way of showing affection, namely verbal abuse.
Also, fat wet hugs and face sitting.
The first one that comes to mind is Axl Rose. Why such an amazing voice and great songwriting talent had to be wasted on such a complete douchebag is beyond me.
I actually saw one of Henry Rollins’ spoken word shows and really enjoyed it. Maybe he just needs to party with some fat people to see the light.
OH MAN GUYS thanks
What the hell did I just watch? I think I’ll watch it again to see if I can figure that out.
How does Henry Rollins get laid? Does he only look for women at that gym that only has thin hotties?
The song and the opening credits were great, but when I heard the lyric mentioning food stamps and organic, it became full of win!
Clearly, he looks for a bathroom sink of the proper height. More than that, I don’t want to know.
That was hilarious!
I discussed Henry Rollins’ apparent lack of acceptance for the majority of his fellow humankind, and passive aggressive behaviour, with a friend some months ago. She said Henry admits to having made mistakes in his past. I looked for evidence of this and was unable to find any. I found a great deal of information to support my assertion his values have not changed, so I choose boycott of Rollins at this point in time. I’ll make an exception if he replies to you though.
You mean, if he lets me sit on him?
Yes ^.^
To be fair that video is pretty old, I’m guessing 15 years or so.
Oh yeah, it’s an oldie. A waaaay oldie.
My guess is that Henry is egotistical and self absorbed enough that you may actually hear from him, which would just be a hoot. I mean, if he’s Googling himself one night, at the proper sink height and all……………………………
Great job, guys. And that song is just the best-organic and fat panic. I LOVED it!!!
Yay! You mentioned the TSA bit! I wrote a whole post about it on my blog after I messaged it to you. Haha!
I’m going to LOVE this series. At first I thought the fatsplosion was freaky and then as I kept thinking about it, I realized how FUCKING AWESOME it would be! I think I’m gonna make myself a button that says “Fatsplosion” just so I can push it when someone needs to be fatsploded upon… it won’t work, but it’ll make me happy.
I really like this idea. I want one.