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Poking and Prodding —

June 17, 2024

So, there’s this article in the LA Times that I want to share in the hopes that you will be as moved to rage as I was. It’s ostensibly about how manufacturers are accommodating larger sizes, but the author (the shameless Robert Nolin) throws every fat-hating cliche known to man at readers.

Just the first line ought to make you seethe:

Americans are living large. Extra large. As in XXXXL large. As in baby-powdered-thighs large. As in wheezing, heaving, bust-the-car-suspension large.

So, I decided to write a letter of the LA Times (where I found it), the Florida Sun Sentinel (where it originated) and to Mr. Nolin himself. Here’s mine:

Each and every person who had a hand in writing, editing, and publishing Robert Nolin’s article ought to be filled with a deep sense of shame for this childish, degrading and utterly vile content. I don’t think I need to catalog the litany of insults Mr. Nolin seems to think should be a part of his “journalism,” but the references to baby powdered thighs and wheezing and heaving fat people is unacceptable.

You want to write an article about new accommodations for fat folks? Fine, but leave the personal judgments aside, Mr. Nolin. And maybe before you include ignorant cliches into your work, you should focus on getting the facts straight. Your reference to “ever-expanding waistlines” completely ignores the indisputable fact (I know the word may be unfamiliar to Mr. Nolin, but a quick trip to the dictionary should help out) that obesity rates leveled off for women and children in 1999, and for men in 2003.

Even setting aside the lazy fact-checking, Mr. Nolin article makes it seem as though the fattest of the fat are the majority in this country. Although obesity levels are at 33.8% doesn’t mean all of those people require seat belt extenders or special seating. The morbidly obese comprise just 5.7% of the population, and even those who are in the morbidly obese category (like myself, with a BMI of 40.7) fit perfectly well in airline seats and don’t require any of the products above. The number of people who require specially sized products would be more accurately described as the super-obese, or those with a BMI over 50, which includes just 0.42% of the population.

Regardless of how few people actually require accommodations, Mr. Nolin has no excuse for making such immature, hateful comments. Then again, it’s just a snapshot of the current attitude toward fat people that is considered perfectly “normal” in our society.

And here’s the list of email addresses so you can send yours:,,

(Side note: The LA Times requires letters to be fewer than 150 words, which isn’t gonna work for me.)

10 Comments leave one →
  1. drdeah permalink
    June 17, 2024 4:13 pm

    SEEEEEETHING is an understatement! I added my comment to the list, but it is really distressing to read so many fat bashing comments by the folks reading the article. So much work to do!!!

  2. vesta44 permalink
    June 17, 2024 7:07 pm

    I hate to disabuse Mr Asshat Nolin but my 57 BMI super morbidly obese DEATHFATZ ass isn’t busting the suspension on my husband’s 2002 Buick LeSabre Limited nor on my 2008 Kia Sedona minivan (or even in my son’s 2009 Kia Optima). And as for baby-powdered thighs - sorry, don’t have any of those here either, even though I have the thunder thighs from hell (who needs baby powder when I wear slacks alla time?). And Mr Fuckwad Nolin, I don’t wheeze unless I’m having an asthma attack, and I had those when I was thin. So STFU, educate yourself, and learn to do some serious research before you sit down to write anything. And if you’re bitching because I’m wearing an XXXXL shirt and an XXL pants, I can guarantee you’d be bitching even more if you had to see my naked ass walking around. So again, I say STFU and learn to research before you open your mouth and stick your foot in it up to your asshole.

    • Christie permalink
      June 20, 2024 11:40 am

      “And if you’re bitching because I’m wearing an XXXXL shirt and an XXL pants, I can guarantee you’d be bitching even more if you had to see my naked ass walking around.”

      Best. Sentence. EVER! Gonna have to use that one sometime. :-)

  3. MrsS permalink
    June 19, 2024 3:59 am

    There is a place other than the regular letters section where you can write to the Los Angeles Times about the fat acceptance movement, including Health At Every Size. The LA Times has a featured column in its Health section, called My Turn: “My Turn is a forum for readers to recount an experience related to health or fitness. Submissions should be 500 words or fewer, are subject to editing and condensation and become property of The Times. Email ”

    I would suggest the writer of Dances With Fat. 1) She exemplifies a healthy lifestyle. 2) She is professionally successful. 3) She writes very well, without ranting and is not belligerent. I’m pretty sure that the column would be printed. It will probably be the first time that the majority of readers have heard of HAES.

    • atchka permalink*
      June 19, 2024 3:39 pm

      Great suggestion, Mrs. S, but I would encourage anyone and everyone to write, regardless of their lifestyle, success or writing ability. Whether or not it gets published is not as important as expressing a unified voice of outrage at this kind of hatred. Everyone who feels disgusted by this article should include this email address in their letters, because we need as many people as possible to hear our outrage.


      • MrsS permalink
        June 19, 2024 10:39 pm

        Shannon, writing to the editor to express the outrage is an excellent idea. I suggested an article in My Turn as a means of educating people. A letter to the editor may never get published, as you say; however, an informative article on body acceptance and HAES that is actually published will educate people.

  4. MrsS permalink
    June 19, 2024 4:12 am

    There are probably other writers on this blog who are qualified to write a My Turn column, as I suggested in my previous message. I hope that I didn’t offend anyone.

  5. NewMe permalink
    June 19, 2024 3:11 pm

    The Toronto Star has just started running a series on obesity that is rife with blaming, shaming and outright inaccuracies (à la being overweight causes PCOS, rather than the truth, which is that overweight is often a symptom of PCOS). I wrote directly to the journalist to give her a piece of my mind. It probably made my BP spike temporarily, but at least I said my piece directly to the offending idiot.

    • atchka permalink*
      June 19, 2024 3:40 pm

      I just glanced at the Star and already have a nasty taste in my mouth. I’ll be looking into this more this week. Thanks for the tip!


    • Faycin A Croud permalink
      June 21, 2024 11:43 pm

      I’m wondering just where these MeMe Roth clones got their “medical degrees.” It really is distressing.

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