LaNiyah Bailey: Fighting Back with her Own Words
A few months ago I learned of a young black girl named LaNiyah who had been bullied at school because of her weight. Not only were kids at school attacking her, but when LaNiyah was brought to see doctors because of chronic thirst and constipation, all they saw was her weight and that she lived in an urban setting. The blame for her unusual weight was placed on her parents for not giving her a ‘healthy lifestyle’, as early as 2 years old. Thankfully, her parents didn’t give up, and LaNiyah now has a doctor who’s working with them to discover what’s actually going on.
A story landed in my inbox the other day telling more of LaNiyah’s journey; the really wonderful part of all this isn’t just that she’s a young girl who’s got the support of her parents behind her-her entire family has been so loving and understanding they’ve given her the courage to write her own book “Not Fat Because I Wanna Be“. Together they’ve helped her write, market and publish her book, and have gotten her message out through and interview with the National Public Radio! She’s doing book signing tours and wants to bring her message to kids around the world, that they are loved just the way they are, and a message to bullies that their words HURT.
I am truly in awe of this young girl’s courage and determination; when I was six all I cared about was Saturday morning cartoons and colouring within the lines at school. LaNiyah and her family are a shining example of what families can do, together, to help stop bullying and support kids who can and do come in all shapes and sizes.
Off topic but I wanted to let you guys know about this.
On topic: I too think this young girl is very inspirational!
Your child is sick and thirsty all the time, and the fucking doc says it is because you feed her junk. When will ppl realize that doctors are ppl too, with all their faults. I worked in the medical field years ago, I remember the way the medical ppl talked about the patients. One 11 yr old came in for an abortion, and the charge nurse refused to enter her room, because she (the nurse) was Catholic. The child had been raped, and this stupid twat thought that she should carry and bear a rape child at 11. (Shouldn’t have any child at that age AT ALL!)
On another topic, what’s with the previous comment? Trolling for gastric bypass?
No. Informing the people that I have been communicating with for a long time about a site which is promoting gastric bypass. Sorry you misinterpreted my intention. I wanted Shannon and the others to know about the existence of this site. I weigh 300 fucking pounds and am not a concern troll, thank you very much.
Sorry to get hot. I hate being misinterpreted because it happens so often. Sun, if you are wondering what I am all about you can view my blog at but you cannot comment there because I am not currently allowing comments. I was recently trolled.
I am fat, I am mentally ill, and I hate trolls. Those are the three things you need to know about me.
Awesome! Someone needs to send a copy of this book to the author of “Maggie Goes On A Diet.”
Sun: No, not trolling, just something Faycin thought we should be aware of. Faycin’s one of our regulars.
Girevka: Definitely!
Thanks for sharing this, Jen. What an uplifting story! This girl has a bright future ahead of her.
Asshole alert. In French, but still an asshole.
Thanks Vitty. Fat Bastard’s getting fancy now.