Dear Belly
We haven’t always gotten along, have we? I hated how you pushed against my shirts and jeans. I raged against you and denied you nourishment. There were times I stared at you with more disgust than I had ever felt for anything. There were times I moved my body not in joy, but in attempt to get rid of you… to shrink you out of existence.
I thought I’d be happy without you. I’d been told that I’d be happy if I did everything I could to make you go away. I listened to everyone who said I should get rid of you. I followed every scheme, every gimmick, every plot that made me hate you and, therefore, hate myself. I honestly believed there was a “good” me trapped behind you
Dear Belly,
I am so sorry. I know now that you are part of the me that is good and bad, happy and funny, smart, sweet, sarcastic, apathetic, empathetic, compassionate and naive and perfect. I know that the problem is not with you, but with the world around us. You and me… we can change that.
Dear Belly,
I promise that I will never let you go hungry for days and days. I will never put chemicals in you to force you down. I will never move my body with the goal of changing you. From now on I will move with joy. I will eat for the good of us and I will delight in every bite.
Dear Belly,
I love you. I love your shape. I love your weight. I love the skin that covers you, the dimples that make you unique, the job you do that keeps me alive.
Dear Belly,
Thank you.
YES!!! Encore!!!
This is so wonderful! In our Leftovers DVD/Workbook we have a scene and an activity that is totally about writing letters of appreciation and gratitude to our fat and our bodies! It is a wonderful way to integrate body, mind, in the spirit of self-acceptance! Thanks!
D’aww. Very sweet. I should write my belly a letter.