People are different.
(The correct response to that statement is “Der-hay, dumbass.”)
People interested in Fat Acceptance are no different. And although our diversity may make appeasing all parties difficult, it does not mean that meeting each person’s unique Fat Acceptance needs is impossible.
Given the proper tools, a Fat Acceptance feed can be a valuable resource without causing undo headaches for readers or bloggers. By simply acknowledging up front what we do and do not intend to blog about, bloggers can provide readers the opportunity to opt out of uncomfortable posts.
Below is an early version of the rating system we will use to create a content-based blog feed. For each of the ratings below, readers will be able to choose the subjects that he or she is comfortable reading.
Until that day, we will incorporate the rating system into FFF posts, as well as provide a rating of our contributors’ blogs on our bio page. This way, there will be no surprises in store for you when you click on Billy Bob’s House of Intestinal Mutilation.
Clearly this is an incomplete list. If there are other subjects that concern your safe space on the feed, please contact us at fiercefatties@hotmail.com and we will accommodate your needs.